
How I Finally Started Achieving My Drumming Goals (And How You Can Too!)

Have you ever been stuck in a rut with your drumming practice? I have. So many times, I’ve set goals like:

  • "I want to increase my drumming speed."
  • "I finally want to learn how to create cool fills."
  • "I want to play at a jam session without freaking out from stage anxiety."

But somehow, I kept falling short. And honestly? It was frustrating. Really frustrating. I’d get pumped up to hit a new milestone, but after a few weeks, I'd lose steam. I couldn’t figure out why this kept happening—and why my motivation just disappeared.

One day, I got fed up and decided to dig deeper into why I wasn’t hitting these goals. I searched for a better way to structure my practice and finally found something that worked. Spoiler alert: yes, you still have to practice (there’s no magic pill for that), but the way you set your goals can make all the difference.

If you’ve ever felt like I did, this post is for you. I’m going to break it down into two parts:

  1. What’s going wrong with your goals and how to fix it.
  2. Drumbitious - A tool that will guide you step-by-step to set drumming goals that you can actually achieve.

Why Your Drumming Goals Are Setting You Up for Failure

Let’s start with the big problem. A goal like “I want to increase my drumming speed” might sound great at first, but the truth is, it’s way too vague. How are you supposed to know when you’ve “made it”? Is it when you increase by 10 BPM? Or 50 BPM? Are you talking about speed with your hands? Feet? For a specific exercise, or in general? And how long do you want to take to achieve this? A month? A year?

I realized that without answering these questions, I didn’t have a clear path. I was basically setting myself up for failure. My goals weren’t specific, they weren’t measurable, and they definitely weren’t achievable because I had no idea what "achieving" even looked like!

It all clicked for me when I learned about SMART goals. Yeah, SMART is an acronym (stick with me here), and it stands for:

  • Specific: Make the goal clear and focused.
  • Measurable: Have a way to track your progress.
  • Achievable: Make sure it’s realistic for where you’re at.
  • Relevant: Make it matter to you and your playing.
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline so you don’t lose momentum.

Once I started applying this to my drumming practice, everything changed.

Turning Vague Goals Into Achievable Ones

Let’s take that original goal: "I want to increase my drumming speed."

Sounds good on the surface, right? But it’s too fuzzy to actually work. So I rewrote it using the SMART method:

  • Specific: "I want to increase my single stroke roll speed."
  • Measurable: "By +10 BPM from my current max."
  • Achievable: "While practicing 15 minutes, 3 times a week."
  • Relevant: "So I can play faster fills with my hands."
  • Time-bound: "Within the next 8 weeks."

Now, this is a goal I can actually work toward. It’s specific, measurable, and most importantly, I know exactly what I’m aiming for. It gives me structure and a sense of progress, instead of wandering around in frustration.

Let’s compare both goals side by side:

  • Before: "I want to increase my drumming speed."
  • After: "I want to increase my single stroke roll speed by +10 BPM while practicing 15 minutes, 3 times a week, in order to play faster fills with my hands within the next 8 weeks."

Feels so much better, right? It’s like giving yourself a roadmap instead of trying to navigate in the dark. And trust me, the difference this made in my drumming was huge.

Why This Worked for Me (And Will Work for You)

At one point, I was practicing without really knowing if I was getting better. I felt stuck. But after switching to SMART goals, I suddenly had more clarity—and I started achieving things I’d been wanting for years.

What worked for me was that these goals gave me the confidence that I wasn’t just going through the motions. I could measure my progress, I could see where I was heading, and it kept me motivated. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by big, vague goals, I now had clear steps to get me where I wanted to be.

And here’s the best part: it made practice fun again. I looked forward to seeing those BPM numbers tick up week by week, and I had a way to celebrate my wins along the way.

How Drumbitious Can Help You Achieve Your Drumming Goals

As both a drummer and a software developer, I faced the same struggles with staying focused and tracking my drumming progress. That’s when I had the idea to create something for myself, and after years of hard work, Drumbitious was born. Now, I’m ready to share it with the world because I truly believe it can help you transform your drumming practice, especially when using the SMART method we just talked about. Here’s how I personally use Drumbitious to keep my practice on track:

  • Create Exercises Based on SMART Goals: With Drumbitious, I can easily create exercises that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Each exercise is designed to help me track progress and stay focused on the exact goal I’m working towards.
  • Build Personalized Practice Plans: Sometimes, one exercise isn’t enough to achieve a goal. That’s why Drumbitious allows you to create comprehensive practice plans. You can bundle multiple exercises together and run through them in a structured way, so you’re always working toward a clear objective.
  • All-In-One Practice Sessions: Whether I want to practice a single exercise or run through an entire plan, Drumbitious makes it easy with just one click. The app guides me through each step, and it provides all the tools I need, including a built-in metronome, audio player, and timer. Plus, I can attach videos, audio files, music sheets, or images to my exercises to keep everything I need at my fingertips.
  • Track Your Progress and Stay Motivated: One of the key aspects of SMART goals is tracking progress. Drumbitious helps me log every practice session—how long I practiced, the tempo I worked on, and more. Seeing those numbers improve over time keeps me motivated to push harder.
  • Detailed Statistics and Analytics: Drumbitious provides detailed stats about my practice habits. I can see exactly how much time I’ve spent practicing and track my improvements over time. This data helps me adjust my goals and strategies when needed—it’s like having a personal drum coach right in my pocket.

Have you tried Drumbitious? I’d love to hear how it’s helping you stay consistent and achieve your drumming goals. If you’ve struggled with keeping up in the past, I’m confident that this app can make a big difference. Give it a try—it’s a game-changer for anyone serious about their drumming progress!


Using the SMART method to set clear, achievable drumming goals can completely change your practice routine and fast-track your progress. And with the help of Drumbitious, you can easily create, track, and crush those goals.

Remember, consistency is everything. Set your SMART goals, track them with Drumbitious, and watch your drumming skills skyrocket. Stay focused, stay motivated, and keep drumming!

Copyright © 2024 Drumbitious. All Rights Reserved by Verena Zaiser